The science of a red lipstick
The psychology of colours teaches us that every colour triggers and stimulates emotions and our response to the stimuli. It’s not new news if I tell you the colours are carefully chosen in logos, ads, design etc. when a brand launches new product or services. These are selectively chosen by a marketing team to achieve their aim: get your attention.
The same colour, however, has a different meaning depending on the culture. In Europe for instance white colour has a meaning of purity, clarity and innocence. There is a reason why wedding dresses are chosen to be white in most part of the world. This perception, however, is slightly different in other countries. In some instance, white colour is worn for funerals and is associated with death in China for example. Does this surprise you?
How does a red colour help me in my workplace?
As an ESL teacher, red lipstick works like magic when it comes to practising phonic sounds, pronunciation, fluency and engaging more effectively with my students. It helps them see the movement of my mouth with clarity. I never have thought that wearing red lipstick will be as a part of my work- especially working as a teacher.
In a school environment wearing red lipstick could have been perceived as a behaviour of aggressive self-image, expressing sexuality and or femininity. Well…heavy make up was never encouraged, let’s put it that way…
Online teaching, however, is a different game field. Wearing makeup is even advised in training…red lipstick helps students learn more efficiently- it sounds like an absurd but there is a lot of truth behind it. The red colour in the psychology of colours represents energy, excitement, strength, power and bold statement. Your lips through the lens of the camera get more visibility, it’s easier for the student to look at the mouth movement and it’s easier for them to try to repeat it by copying you.
Red lipstick has also other benefits…not just for learning purposes but for your well-being too! It puts you in a more positive state of mind. Myself personally, when I apply the red lipstick I identify this process and timing as I am then ready to work.
Do an experiment. Whatever business you work in, wear red lipstick. See how people’s behaviour change around you, see how it affects you, your mood.
Make that BOLD statement with your red lipstick.